Teenage Hair Loss: Causes & Prevention

Teenagers losing hair can be terrifying but remember: It’s normal! We all go through a period where our bodies start to change due to hormones, and sometimes this involves thinning hair. While rare, it can happen so if you think you are losing more than the 50-100 average hairs a day, it’s best to speak to your parents and go see a doctor.


Why Teenage Hair Loss Happens

Aside from hormonal changes, there are many reasons why you could be losing your hair.

1. Hair Treatments & Styling

Hair styling treatments, such as a flat iron, blowdryer, and curling tools, can cause hair loss if the heat is too high or your hair is dry and brittle. Try to avoid using these tools as much as possible. To dry your hair after a shower, you can either set the blowdryer in a cooler setting or allow your hair to air dry, which would highly benefit teens especially those with curly hair. Chemical treatments, like hair dye, bleach, straightening, and perms, can cause major damage that can lead to your hair breaking off or falling out temporarily. Unless you have virgin hair, avoid chemical treatments as much as possible or don’t do them so frequently.  


2. Poor Nutrition

Poor diet can impact both your physical and mental health due to the lack of essential vitamins and nutrients. You don’t need to eat salads every day to maintain a good diet. Instead, try a wholesome diet that’s rich in protein, calcium, and iron, which will help reduce or prevent hair loss. Avoid eating processed, fast food frequently. A healthy diet means your body will be functioning as it should!


3. Stress

Studying for exams, keeping up with homework, maintaining good grades – your school responsibilities can be very stressful! But it’s so important to keep in mind your mental health because your health should always be #1. Stress is a major contribution for hair thinning, but don’t worry! There are many ways you can manage your stress. Try a yoga flow or listen to a guided meditation from YouTube. Be consistent with these activities because sometimes doing them just once won’t be enough to help your stress. Talk to your parents about your day. Opening up and talking about any problems or concerns you may have can help relieve both mental and physical stress.


Talk to Your Doctor

Always consult your family doctor when you start noticing your hair loss. Don’t be scared to open up about your feelings because you’re allowed to feel afraid of these changes happening to your body. Your doctor will help you understand what exactly is going on with your body and how normal it is for hair loss and other hormonal changes to happen.


How to Help Hair Loss

There is no end-all solution to teenage hair loss. It can be a culmination of many things. When you start to notice your hair loss is getting worse, then consult your family doctor right away to further assist you medically. Otherwise, if you notice some hair strands falling out, you can try the following: 

  1. Eat a well-balanced diet
  2. Be gentle with combing, brushing, and washing your hair
  3. Use hairstyling treatments sparingly
  4. Don’t pull too tightly in braids, buns, and ponytails
  5. Manage your stress

TBH Kids’s Kids Shampoo contains nettle, which can help to prevent hair loss and promotes hair regrowth simultaneously. Another added ingredient,  quinoa, moisturizes and repairs damaged hair while preventing hair breakage. The Kids Conditioner has good for you ingredients that nourish and strengthen hair to prevent breakage, like jojoba. Vitamin B & E also carries nutrients to the scalp, which aids in hair growth. 

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