Natural Deodorant Rash: Why It Happens

Did you or your teen recently switch to a natural deodorant but then developed a rash under armpit or another kind of skin reaction? You’re not alone! Parents, kids, and teens make the switch to aluminum free, natural deodorants for many reasons, such as concerns over harmful ingredients. But for some people, it can also cause some unpleasant results, such as rash, sensitivity, redness, or acne, which is particularly true for sensitive skin types. So why exactly are these reactions happening if the deodorant is natural? We listed some common reasons why an armpit rash or itchy armpits happen.


1. Baking Soda

Baking soda may be to blame for rashes because of its alkaline pH. If there’s too much baking soda in a deodorant, it may feel harsh and possibly cause a reaction. However, to avoid tugging on your skin, hold your opened deodorant against your armpit and allow the warmth to heat the product. After a few seconds, the deodorant will be smooth enough to gently apply without feeling so harsh against your armpit. Baking soda is a great natural ingredient to have in natural deodorant for kids because of its ability to absorb odors.  Finding the right deodorant with baking soda might mean trying a few different kinds as the alkaline levels range in different brands. For most, baking soda


Tip: To avoid build-up that can cause a skin reaction, be sure to wash your underarms with soap and water before reapplying.


2. Switching Away from Chemicals and Antiperspirants

Most regular deodorants you’ll find at the store contain a variety of harsh ingredients that can artificially keep your armpits odor free when you sweat. When you switch to a natural deodorant, your armpits may experience irritation because they’re no longer subjected to chemicals like propylene glycol, artificial fragrances, triclosan, and silica. They are able to finally breathe again! This is typically called a detox period, when your armpits react to the lack of chemicals and antiperspirants that were intended to clog your pores to reduce sweating. Not everyone experiences this detox, but those with sensitive skin may get an irritation.


Tip: Natural deodorants can take up to two weeks to work but are a much better option than those containing harsh chemicals. Trust the process and you’ll thank us later! 😉


3. Shaving Irritation

Sometimes, it might not be the deodorant that caused a rash but because you shaved right before applying your deodorant. Have you shaved your armpits and applied deodorant right after, only to feel that burning pain lasting a few seconds or minutes? Shaving can cause little cuts on our pits, so to avoid irritation, always shave at night and apply deodorant in the morning.


Tip: Remember to shave in the direction of hair growth to minimize inflammation and always use a clean, sharp blade as often as possible to avoid an infection.


If you start to feel pain from an armpit rash or skin irritation and/or notice that it is getting worse, contact your family doctor and schedule an appointment as soon as you can.


TBH Kids’s Kids Deodorant contains a blend of charcoal, arrowroot powder, coconut oil, baking soda, and witch hazel that will help neutralize odors and absorb wetness without harsh chemicals, such as aluminum.


To use the best natural deodorant that contains good for you ingredients, check out TBH Kids’s fragrance-free Kids Deodorant.

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