When should you get deodorant for your boy?
The days are terribly long, and the years are surprisingly short when you have a newborn. One morning, you wake up to find that your swaddled and suckling newborn is now a running, talking tween with energy four times their size.
As you watch your tween singing off-key at the top of their lungs along with their favorite band or cartoon theme song and aggressively rooting for their team during PE, you may discover something else has changed – his smell. Over the years, they’ve lost that yummy newborn scent – a mix of flowers, powder, soap, and all the beautiful things you could imagine.
So how can you manage this new phase in your child’s life and keep their smell in check? We’ll help you get through this together!
Knowing When Your Teen Truly Needs Deodorant
You may be somewhat skeptical about using these adult hygiene products on your child, but there’s no need to rush it. The truth is, there’s no specific time to get your child started on deodorants. Generally, when you start noticing an odor from your child, they may need to use deodorants.
The downside of odor is it has a way of plummeting your child’s self-esteem and making them want to withdraw towards themselves. To help, we’ve outlined some telltale signs so you can make a more informed decision on using deodorants for your boy.
Your teen may need an odor-fighting sidekick when you:
Find Them Sweating More
As your child grows, you’ll find that they start to sweat more, especially as they approach puberty. Their bodies secrete several hormones, such as androgens, to aid in development and growth; in turn, these hormones stimulate the sweat glands to become more active, which produces more sweat.
Sweat itself is odorless, but when it mixes with the bacteria on your skin, it gives off a foul smell or odor. And since it’s impractical for your teen to have a bath every time they sweat, a deodorant may be an excellent choice.
Get a Whiff of That Underarm Odor
You may notice a smell coming off your tween as they go through their daily routines. And even while you handle their laundry, that underarm area may smell worse than the rest of the clothing. That there is another sign for you.
Observe Brown or Yellow Underarm Stains
Sweat alone doesn’t stain your clothing, but when it mixes with skin bacteria and body oil, you may notice foul-smelling yellowish stains on your cloth underarms. Again, another sign.
If you notice your child has an armpit odor, is now more sweaty, or has clothes with yellowish armpit stains, one way to have them smell clean and fresh is to encourage them to use deodorant.
Let’s walk you through some essentials to look out for when scouting for a deodorant for boys.
Important Things to Look For When Buying a Kids’ Deodorant!
So you know your child needs deodorant, but where do you go from here? How do you know THE best products your child can use without running the risk of skin irritation and damage?
And it doesn’t help that there are a billion-and-one kids’ deodorants. Not to worry; we’ve got it all sorted out for you. Here’s what makes for the perfect kids’ deodorant:
Best believe, teenage boys will run through their deodorant like crazy, so you want one that won’t break the bank. Need a pointer? Here.
You want to get a deodorant that lasts for long, long hours; at least 8 hours or more.
No Aluminum
Remember we said you should steer clear from deodorants laden with chemicals? One chemical you should be especially wary of is aluminum. Aluminum may prevent excessive sweating, which may seem brilliant, but it’s not.
Science states that it temporarily clogs pores to trap sweat, preventing your body from enjoying the benefits of sweating, such as temperature regulation and immunity.
Antiperspirants help slow your child’s sweat rate to combat odor.
Natural Safe Ingredients
The last thing your child’s skin needs is harsh, drying chemicals that will irritate and even worsen their odor. So only buy products with clean, natural, and safe ingredients, above all else, including the smell, aesthetics, brand name, etc. Some of the best ingredients to look out for in deodorants for boys are:
essential oils such as jojoba and sunflower oil to provide a naturally pleasant scent
natural disinfectants such as coconut oil to neutralize body odor by getting rid of odor-causing bacteria
natural absorbers such as arrowroot powder and charcoal to absorb moisture and promote dryness