What to do about your tween’s acne and armpit stink
Many of us have some seriously scary memories of puberty and rightfully so! It’s a time of transition. You are no longer a child but not yet an adult. Your whole body is experiencing changes and they all make you uncomfortable!
Communicating with your child during these transitional years is important to their mental health. Teaching them that these changes are normal and happen to everyone is key to making sure they don’t feel alone. Keeping an open line of communication as they happen will give you the opportunity to help your tween better understand what’s happening and develop a routine to prevent and treat acne and underarm odor.
The Tanner stages of puberty, based on Professor Joseph Tanner’s work is the gold standard for learning about and understanding the 5 stages of puberty. Remember that each child develops at their own pace, so you can think of the Tanner stages as a general guideline.
Stage 1 - Puberty begins when the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus begin to release hormones. During stage 1 there are no noticeable physical changes.
Stage 2 – physical changes begin to occur; generally girls begin stage 2 around age 12, their bodies develop, hair begins to grow, acne may start to appear and a growth spurt occurs
Stage 3 – physical changes occur in boys during stage 3 usually around age 13; their body changes, voice cracks and drops, acne may begin and muscle development and a growth spurt
Stage 4 – puberty is in full swing! Boys and girls are experiencing changes to their bodies, growth development and acne can begin in earnest at this stage.
Stage 5 - According to Tanner, Stage 5 usually happens around age 15 and many changes to girls and boys’ bodies happen at this stage.
By age 18, most boys have reached full height and some boys will even have to shave facial hair. Most girls reach their adult height by ages 14 or 15 depending on when girls start menstruating. By Stage 5 of puberty in girls, their reproductive organs are fully developed, periods become more regular and their bodies have begun to fill out.
Teen acne can be a problem for both boys and girls. Changing hormones can cause sebum (oil) to build up on skin and deep in pores causing whitehead and blackheads on the nose. Tween acne can develop not just on the face but chest acne and back acne can be an issue for kids as well. It is important to keep the skin clean and clear and to wash frequently. Over-the-counter teen acne treatment products can help dry up excess sebum and keep teen pimples at bay. Ingredients such as salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and willow bark work great and if used in moderation will not dry out skin, just help penetrate pores to absorb excess oils.
Kids body odor is one of the earliest signs of puberty. Hormonal changes in both girls and boys are responsible for the sweat glands producing excess moisture. Sweat is actually not what causes body odor. The sweat glands under the arms and in the groin, produce oils that mix with sweat that give bacteria on skin something to eat! As the bacteria breaks down the oils, the chemical residue is what produces body odor. Some tweens might not even notice their own body odor! It’s a parent’s job to have open, honest discussions with their tweens as they enter puberty to take care of their bodies and maintain a healthy hygiene routine. Showering, using chemical free deodorants and even wearing lightweight clothing can help tweens navigate through puberty with confidence.
Puberty can be a rough time for our kids, but with education, communication and hair, skin and body products created specifically for tweens, children can pass through the awkward phase to adulthood with ease. As parents, we must keep talking to our children about the changes they are facing and have honest and open conversations, as well as check-ins to make sure they are ok. Reminding them that puberty is normal, everyone has gone through it and we all survived, can help make light of a difficult time in their lives. Providing natural, good-for-you products to help with tween oily skin, teen greasy hair and tween body odor gives our kids the tools to take care of themselves! Gentle face wash for kids, a natural aluminum free deodorant, and body wash to help back acne, chest acne and tween body odor can be helpful to help kids during puberty.
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